Cannabidiol CBD oils are any oil based products (typically olive, hemp or coconut oil) which contain CBD, one of the naturally occurring compounds found in cannabis and hemp plants.
Most of us are more familiar with hearing about marijuana, "weed", or cannabidiol’s sibling compound THC, however CBD oil does not have any psychoactive properties. CBD oil will not make you high! In fact, thousands of people now buy CBD oil largely because there’s little to no THC content.
CBD oil has become extremely popular recently due to increased media coverage. Regulations require us to not make any specific claims regarding its health benefits, or make any recommendations for using CBD oil to treat anxiety, chronic pain, or as an anti inflammatory. However, you can visit our About & Video pages to learn more, and watch reviews and trials from people just like you.
You can legally buy CBD oil in the UK without risk. If you are purchasing from outside of the UK, be sure to check its legality in your part of the world before ordering. Always seek medical advice before using cbd or cannabis oil based products.